Our referral vets will take a detailed history of your pet’s medical background as well as the current problem. This can take up to an hour. Please feel free to bring your own notes or videos if they are relevant to the problem. A thorough clinical examination of your pet will then be performed, and any findings and provisional diagnoses will be fully discussed with you. Your pet may then go home after the consultation with suggested management or treatment, but it is also quite possible that further tests or procedures e.g. blood tests, imaging (X-rays or scans) and/or surgery may be required.

Our referral vets will take a detailed history of your pet’s medical background as well as the current problem. This can take up to an hour. Please feel free to bring your own notes or videos if they are relevant to the problem. A thorough clinical examination of your pet will then be performed, and any findings and provisional diagnoses will be fully discussed with you. Your pet may then go home after the consultation with suggested management or treatment, but it is also quite possible that further tests or procedures e.g. blood tests, imaging (X-rays or scans) and/or surgery may be required.

As we are a teaching hospital, students will be involved in helping to look after your pet. This will include general care including walking, feeding and cleaning as well as assisting in taking blood samples, placing intravenous catheters and aiding during surgical procedures.
Students are supervised by qualified nurses and vets and are not allowed to undertake any invasive procedures without full observation. As all pets in the hospital will have designated students, it means that each pet has a 'friend' assigned to them, that gets to know them very well and helps to settle them into the hospital.

As we are a teaching hospital, students will be involved in helping to look after your pet. This will include general care including walking, feeding and cleaning as well as assisting in taking blood samples, placing intravenous catheters and aiding during surgical procedures.
Students are supervised by qualified nurses and vets and are not allowed to undertake any invasive procedures without full observation. As all pets in the hospital will have designated students, it means that each pet has a 'friend' assigned to them, that gets to know them very well and helps to settle them into the hospital.

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